APMP Practitioner Certification Overview

The APMP Practitioner Certification exam is longer, more challenging, and has a different format than the Foundation Certification exam. Being well-prepared for the exam can increase your chances of passing. In the APMP Practitioner Certification Overview video, Brenda Crist, APMP CPP and Fellow:

  • Provides an overview of APMP certification options
  • Describes the resources needed to prepare for the certification exam
  • Explains how to prepare for the exam
  • Describes how to take and succeed on the exam
  • Explains how to obtain the Continuing Education Units (CEUs) needed to maintain the certification

Who should watch: Proposal and Capture professionals interested in achieving Practitioner certification.

Presenter: Brenda Crist, Vice President, Lohfeld Consulting Group

Brenda Crist, CPP APMP Fellow, is Vice President of Lohfeld Consulting Group, a premier business development, capture, and proposal consulting firm that helps companies win government and commercial business. Her professional background includes 25 years of experience in project and proposal management, marketing, capture, and training.

Brenda has served as President, Vice President, and Conference Chairperson of the APMP National Capital Area (NCA) Chapter and Program Chairperson for the APMP Chesapeake Chapter. She has provided APMP certification training for 12 years and holds an MPA from American University.

Click to watch the webinar and download the presentation:

By Brenda Crist, Vice President at Lohfeld Consulting Group, MPA, CPP APMP Fellow

Lohfeld Consulting Group has proven results specializing in helping companies create winning captures and proposals. As the premier capture and proposal services consulting firm focused exclusively on government markets, we provide expert assistance to government contractors in Capture Planning and Strategy, Proposal Management and Writing, Capture and Proposal Process and Infrastructure, and Training. In the last 3 years, we’ve supported over 550 proposals winning more than $170B for our clients—including the Top 10 government contractors. Lohfeld Consulting Group is your “go-to” capture and proposal source! Start winning by contacting us at www.lohfeld.seablaze.website and join us on LinkedInFacebook, and Twitter.